Welcome to NORDCHEM
NORDCHEM is a privately held Canadian based company, focused on consultative approach to develop and service tailored-fit solutions to the mining industry.
NORDCHEM, your tailored mining solutions
We understand mining operations are facing new challenges, including new ore bodies with lower quality and harder to process mineralogies. Additionally, some ore bodies’ composition continuously change, which requires plant metallurgists to regularly adapt processing parameters, which often include chemical additives and application technology.
In order to assist in developing the optimized solutions to your challenges, NORDCHEM dedicates experienced engineers who understand your operation, and senior chemists that work in our technical centers to develop specialized solutions.
This development work is often carried out in partnership with our customer’s technical personnel, but is also extended by forging alliances with third party research centers and consultant firms.
The ultimate objective is to maximize performance and value for our customers.
NORDCHEM is committed to health, safety, and the environment. As such, we are continuously striving to develop greener and safer alternatives.
We appreciate the opportunity to work with you to develop the most optimized solutions to your industrial challenge!

Our technical personnel combine decades of experience servicing the mining industry. Our core premise is that we can always improve on existing technology.
A Culture of Quality and Safety
Our Solutions

Flotation Collectors
Our R&D work with collectors help maximize selectivity and overall circuit recovery. These surfactant solutions are from a wide array of chemistries from cationic, anionic and non-ionic character.

Explosive Emulsifiers
Our line of work with emulsifiers are Sorbitan based products engineered to deliver rapid and stable emulsification of oil in water systems.

Haul road dust control
Our line of work with dust control additives is to engineer solutions with environmental fate and performance in mind. These are mainly water-based products that provide a fast wetting and water retention effect on haul road surfaces.

Coal transport dust control
Our line of work with dust control solutions targets and suppresses dust at belts, chutes, and any coal discharge point during the transport system. These are water-based technologies that act fast on coal’s surface to secure loose fine particles in place.

Fertilizer plant additives
Our line of research with fertilizer additives, includes reaction catalysts, dust control and anti-caking agents. These are specialized additives tailored-fit to industrial complexes producing MAP, DAP, SSP and STP fertilizers.
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